Folklore Museum

Folklore Museum

The Folklore Museum locates in the traditional village of Vrasna and is housed in appropriately reconstructed space of the old primary school, area of 330 sq.m. which was built in 1934.

Folklore Museum of Vrasna

In the museum you can see local folklore such as traditional costumes, agricultural tools, everyday objects, folk musical instruments, utensils etc.

A magnificent Exhibition of Stones, Mineral and Crystal hosted at the museum. The exhibition material is donated by Michalis Vlachos and his wife Ute Gerhard.

Η έρευνα και η συλλογή των πετρωμάτων πραγματοποιήθηκε από τον Μιχάλη Βλάχο και την Ute Gerhard και προέρχεται από πολλές περιοχές της Βόρειας Ελλάδας όπως: Ξάνθη, Θάσος, Μαρώνεια, Σάππες, Δράμα, Χρυσοπηγη (Γράμμος), Κστοριά, Κίσσαβος, Στρατώνι κλπ. Την οργάνωση, επιμέλεια και παρουσίαση της έκθεσης  έχει η Ute Gerhard.

Research and collection of material held by Michael Vlahos and Ute Gerhard and comes from many areas of northern Greece, Xanthi, Thassos, Maronia, Sapes, Drama, Chrisopigi, Kastoria, Kissavos, Stratoni etc. 

Museum is open to the public.

Contact person: Ms. Uta +30 6949 210 113


Photos Credits

Folklore Museum of Vrasna (Facebook)

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